5 Reasons Realtors Need Quality Brand Photos

5 Reasons Realtors Need Quality Brand Photos

If you’re a realtor, I’m sure if feels like a saturated market. And I’m not talking about the housing market, but your fellow individuals you share your office space with. Introduce yourself to a new face in the community, and when you share your occupation they already know a friend, or they once had a license themselves. I know this well as a photographer, because the feeling is shared in my community too!

So what are we going to do about it?

Much like selling a home, good photos of your property and showing it’s highlights will make it stand out to a potential buyer. So how do you make your business get the attention it deserves, and stand out against the rest? It’s simple, high quality branding photos! Years ago when I started in business a mentor shared that if you want to shoot fancy weddings, then treat every wedding until you get there as the World Series of weddings. And it worked, what you share is what you will attract.

Here’s 5 great reasons to Invest in Brand Photos and us them for Strategic Branding of your Real Estate Business

Adds Personal Touch to Your Business

These photos give you the opportunity to show how you serve your clients, what makes you unique and how your the best fit for them making you stand out against the competition. They allow your real estate clients to see you beyond just your profile picture. Often times clients will work with you if they feel a connection, if they can relate to you then they’re going to hire you.. You are more than a realtor, brand images help show you are not like every other realtor with a simple headshot. They show that you go above and beyond to meet the needs of your clients.

Branding Photos Help Elevate your Business in a Professional Way

 Let’s talk real for a second. Have you ever looked a a real estate property and new the realtor took the photos with their cell phone? Yes, me too! Even if the home isn’t your ideal home, treat it like it is! A potential client may be looking at your past listing and may expect the same results for their home. Quality Modern Headshots and Branding photos are the same, they give realtors a more professional image, which can translate to finally attracting those ideal clients. Just like you wouldn’t show up to your branding session in your sweaty gym clothes and expect to come across professional and able to help find your client their their dream home…you shouldn’t be showing up on your website and social media in dated or subpar headshots snapped from a photographer that isn’t specializing in brand photography.

Consistently Showing Up in Marketing is Key to Reaching your Ideal Client

I heard a recent statistic that a consumer needs to hear about a brand 7 times before they remember it. Talk about convincing to be sure your showing up consistently o social media and other marketing channels. If you’ve got the right imagery, this is a breeze to show up across the board. This is a slow burn too, one post isn’t going to get you through the long haul of running a sustainable business. 

Having a content library of images to pull from, so when inspiration strikes you’re ready with stand out brand images! Sharing appealing bite size nuggets of information is easily liked (and shared) by your people who already love working with you! 

If your stuck on what to share, my Signature Brand clients receive a social media content prompts guide to use for marketing after their session!

Great Branding Photos Will Showcase Your Expertise

Branding photos are the easiest ways to show your expertise in the real estate market! Do you bring years of experience? Do you specialize in first time home buyers? Do you specialize in commercial and investment properties? Maybe your a the resident guru on luxury homes. Or do you best represent buyers or the seller of properties? We’re going to take a deep dive into what sets you apart, what makes you unique, and then show that special sauce of yours off!!

They can even help you attract a very specific buyer, one that has the same likes and dislikes as you simply by showing what is of interest to you. You can even go to the next level and show how it looks to work with you by photographing you with buyers and you walk them through the process. Talk about getting a real look inside what their experience will look like, and how your going to make this easy and stress-free! 

Investing in high quality brand photos is investing yourself and your small business. Let’s get to creating some amazing images that stop your next client when scrolling social media, and get your easily recognized and standing out from your competitors.


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