Black and White Portraits

Do you have any black and white photos in your home? If not, you might be missing out on a simple way to draw some focus to your images.

At one point in time it was the only option for photos and images and I'll admit, I'm a color girl!! But when an image stops me in my tracks (workflow in the photog world) I just know it's gotta be in B&W!! Have you ever wondered why you’re drawn to black and are a few reasons why:

1. They are Timeless!

Black and white color doesn't change over time like the fads of editing we see today. You can't look at them and see a trend or pinpoint the time it was taken. Which leads me right into point number two...

2. Your Eye Doesn't Get Distracted!

Over the years there have been different fads from desaturating a portion of your image, adding a deep matte look, adjusting temperatures and more. Black and white is simple, your eye is drawn to the subject...right where it should go in a good image!

3. It Makes an Emotion Stand Out

This is my oldest son Eli in 2019. On this day I was trying to capture these B&W photos and he felt the urge to mess with me by popping his hand up in the photo. In turn it caused him to laugh hysterically! This is one of my favorite images of him and it hangs in the hallway of our home!

4. It Really Shows Detail/Texture

This image is a perfect example of showcasing textures along with personality. Racheal wanted some studio images during her Senior Session. I LOVE how this image spotlights her beautiful smile and all the fun in her outfit too!! 

Why do you love Black and White Images?


Displaying Photos in Your Home


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