Identifying YOUR Ideal Client

insurance agent sitting in chair holding phone wearing orange sweater

When you’re starting out in business it’s common to just take everyone on as your client. Seldom do you know right from the start who your ideal client is, and if you do, count yourself lucky! With time you’ll start to recognize that some of you work is bringing you joy and some is leaving you dragging your feet to go to work. If you’ve been at a crossroad in your business, it might be time to identify your ideal client.

One of the key questions I ask my business and brand photography clients is to tell me about their ideal client. The importance of this question helps in creating images that help you speak to that unique person and attract them to your corner of the world. Knowing their likes, dislikes, struggles and what they need are important to the images and message you portray.

Let’s dive in to some key components of identifying your ideal client!

What do you do? Kind of seems like a no brainer, but identifying what you do and what your offer is Step 1

Who needs your service? Your answer should not be everyone. If it is, then the question is “who do you like (really like) to serve?

What are their goals and what are their fears? Make a column on your paper listing goals and fears.

How does what you offer solve meet those goals and conquer those fears? From here your finding how to talk to your ideal client in your messaging. This could be you elevator statement when a person ask you what is your profession. A step further and these are talking points for captions on your social media platforms. Or my personal favorite, this is content for your blog and newsletter!!

Once you start to define who you’re talking too, your brand messaging becomes easier. You start to hear what their concerns are in conversation and easily turn that into future content.

This can feel scary if niching to a specific audience, but when you define your brand position and get really specific in who your talking too…then you’re really going to grow your business in that area.


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