Hickman Family

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The Hickman Family

One of my favorite colors to photograph and decorate with is blue. From our old house in Glen Carbon to our new one here in Bloomington, blue is the underlying color that flows through all the rooms. Maybe it’s because I’m a mom of boys, or more importantly it’s a perfect neutral color.

When Cathy told me they’d be wearing shades of blue I knew this little blue couch would be perfect for their family of seven. When I say the couch is little, it awkwardly sits about 14 inches off the ground…but it is just the right size and weight for shoving in the back of my car. It was also perfect against the lush green foliage in the background at Moraine View State Park, one of my favorite little spots for families.

The Hickman’s session was perfect, not too hot for summertime and everyone brought a positive spirit to the day! Cathy knew she wanted to update a wall space in her home and I was excited to share this design:

She loved it and I’ll be sharing the official images in the space once the beautiful artwork is installed.

Until then, enjoy more of their beautiful session below:


Garcia Maternity


Fuller Maternity Session