Senior Session {What to Expect}

Owen Kaufmann ~ Edwardsville High School {Class of 2021}

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What to Expect Before, During and After Your Session. 

You're starting to think about Senior Portraits, but where do you begin? I'm here to make this whole process easier below, and if you have any questions or are ready to book a session, just send me an email.

Before Your Session....

1. When do you need to have your Senior Portrait submitted to the school? This will look different for every school in our area. Some will have a photographer come in and take a uniformed picture of all the students and some will have you submit your own. Whichever the case, find this out as soon as possible so you don't miss the deadline. 

2. Where do you want your Senior Pictures taken? Be thinking about what will best show your personality, grassy open park, downtown urban vibe, historical buildings, country landscape. You won't be limited to one location, so if you're wanting to do a downtown urban vibe and your high school baseball field then we will do both. 

3. Plan your session a few months early. As the weather starts to warm up my schedule will fill in with appointments, it's important to get on their early so you have the most convenient time. Also, planning ahead will allow you to talk to coaches about having your school uniform for sport images. 

4. How much will it cost? You can find session pricing here. All sessions come with edited digital images and the option to purchase all the edited images from your session. Our most popular Collection includes all the edited images and a 8x8 Heirloom Layflat Book with all of your favorite images. Perfect for displaying at your graduation party. 

5. What should you wear? I want you to be comfortable and confident. Wear something you love, but avoid logos. I suggest wearing one formal look, 2 casual looks or 1 casual and 1 sport (or more if you play multiple sports). If you stuck on options, text me and I will help you select what will look best in your final images! 

During your session... 

1. How long will it take? Sessions can be anywhere from 1-2 hours, just depends on the number of locations and outfits. 

2. What do we do during the session? To begin will go over the details we've already discussed and set up a plan for what order we'll photograph each outfit and where to best shoot them. From there we'll start with some easy and casual poses to get comfortable in front of the camera. For the most part it'll be small talk and me directing you through each pose to be sure we capturing the best version of you. 

3. Can I bring a friend? You bet, bring a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend always makes the experience more enjoyable. They know how to make you laugh and smile. 

After your session...

1. How long before we see our images? Typically I will have your images completed in about 5-7 days after you session. However, during busier times of the year it may take up 10-12 days for me to complete your gallery. Follow Teresa Klokkenga Photography on Facebook and Instagram, I share sneak peeks when I've started your images. 

2. Are images on Facebook and Instagram copyrighted? Yes, all images that are posted online are watermarked and not for reproduction. You are welcome to use them for profile pictures and sharing on social media platforms with family, but do not crop out watermark or add color filters to images. Once you have your edited images I love when clients give credit by tagging my business in the caption or adding "Photo credit: Teresa Klokkenga Photography". 

3. How will we receive our order? You will receive an instant download of your selected digital images from your session. The link will expire in 7 days so I encourage you to download as soon as possible. Books, prints and other items take 2-3 weeks to arrive in studio and delivered. 

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Stone Family Session


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