Baby's First Year {What to Expect}

The Kelley’s are just starting their Grow With Me Sessions with their adorable little lady. These sessions are some of my personal favorites because it reminds me of each of my children's milestone sessions and how precious those moments are to me now. Thank goodness for the art of photography which stops time and when you look back on these images you'll be right back to all the feels of this stage of life.

Soon Isabella will be skipping, twirling and playing make believe dress up. Until then we cherish all the baby rolls, baby drool, first smiles, standing, crawling, rolling, round cheeks and love.

You may be asking yourself what is a Grow With Me Session? Plain and simple, it's a baby plan for the first year. The long story is that you pick your preference on how often you'd like those sessions and what you'd like to capture. I use to offer 4 times a year, but I have found that the best fit is either: 

(2) Milestone Sessions, one at 6 months and one at 12 months (perfect for major milestones)


(3) Milestone Sessions, one at 4 months, 8 months and 12 months (perfect for multiple seasons and this is what the Polkowski's chose)

(parents and siblings can jump into one of these sessions)

So what do we capture at each session? 

4 months: Baby rolls, possibly rolling, first teeth, tummy time holding head up, sitting up in props

6 months: Sitting up unsupported, clapping, laughing, smiling, rolling, scooting on the floor, 

8 months: rolling to sit independently, standing holding an object, beginning crawling stages, peekaboo

12 months: cruising, possibly walking, standing for brief moments, showing their personality, first cake! 

No matter which Session Package you pick we're going to capture some of your most cherished moments. And the best part, we'll create a book of all these favorite moments for you to have as a beautiful keepsake!


Goff {Senior Session}


Roland {One Year Session}