How to Prepare {Newborn Session}


1. Interact with your baby as much as possible to keep him/her awake for at least 1-1.5 hours prior to our session to ensure he/she is nice and sleepy when I arrive. Disregard this tip if you have more than 45 min commute to the studio. Just know we may spend more time getting the baby to fall asleep and this is very normal.

2. Please plan to give baby a full feeding just before your session to ensure their tummy is full and hopefully sleeping at the start. Also, be prepared to feed baby again in the middle of your session.    

3. Please dress the baby in just a diaper and zipper/button sleeper (no onesie). The less we can upset the baby getting him/her undressed for posing, the easier it will be to get them to fall back asleep.

4. If you are nursing, please avoid eating anything spicy that might upset baby’s stomach for 24 hours prior to our session. If possible, please limit your caffeine the night before that would impact the morning feedings.

5. Please bring along a pacifier if your baby takes one.

6. If you have older children, please plan a caregiver to take them for a play date once they are done with their photos.


What to Wear {Newborn Session}