Polkowski {8 Month} Milestone

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Dylan is 8 Months Old!! She has started to sit up on her own, has teeth and is at those beginning stages of crawling. I can remember at this age, big brother Harrison was on the go for his 8 month milestone session. I relish in the ability to sit still and capture those sweet little moments.

The Polkowski’s Session was all about adapting on this day. We started with the intentions of heading out to Walton Park in Litchfield, Illinois. Thankfully I arrived about 30 minutes early to find the park was closed! Quick change of plans and we headed to Lake Lou Yaeger for their family pictures.

As a creative my mind is always wandering and thinking of beautiful family portraits…this is one of those magical moments I’ve envisioned! There was just enough of a breeze to make for that blowing hair and dress look, insert wiggly kiddos that are still young enough to be held or hold your hand and you’re now seeing a glimpse of what’s in my mind!

We started with the family pictures, took a snack break, and then proceeded with some milestone images.

If you have LOVED all of Dylan’s outfits and head pieces, they are handmade by her mom, go check out her shop Dilly Bums Boutique

And more of the “just being a family” pictures, relaxed and fun…the who you are when no ones around!

Picture below of some of the pictures the family has in print and loving in their home!

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No More Fake Smiles


Bloomington Business Headshots