Irie's One Year

This sweet little angel turned ONE this summer!! How a year has flown by is beyond me…I think it was yesterday we were photographing this sweet little baby girl in her home for her lifestyle newborn photos. But alas, here we are…it’s happened again. Another one of my little newborns has crushed that first year and we capturing one year and family portraits.

The Millers have got it figured it out when it comes to family photo outfits. Their style is perfect for summer, and as we approach the fall season their clothing is perfect for family photos during the beginning of the fall weather too! Mom said her muted yellow maxi dress was an easy pick from amazon…and dad loose light weight denim shirt, back jeans and some favorite kicks! These color tones are a great fit for homes with a neutral color palette like gray, cream or white!

Check out some of their favorite photos and what they printed to display in frames around their home!


Unruh Newborn


Bloomington IL Personal Brand Photographer