Lucas Amend {Senior Session}

Lucas Amend ~ Tri-Valley High School {Class of 2022}

Lucas is a 2022 Senior at Tri-Valley High School in Downs, IL. For his session we started up at the TVHS for some of him in his baseball uniform. He’s a pitcher and let me say I cannot wait to head up there this spring and see him and the team in action.

After we finished up at the high school we headed over the Kickapoo Park, a short walking path along Kickapoo Creek in Downs. In the area is an old abandoned viaduct…which I’m proud to admit I climbed to the top of with Lucas. One last stop we wanted to make was back up at the high school for the Vikings mural on the back of the school. But due to the time of the day it was in full sun, not the words you want to hear in portrait photography. So we scheduled for another day after school.

Check out some favorites from his session that we designed into a framed print and canvases for his parent’s home here:

And here are some favorites from his entire session:


Rachael Baker {Senior Session}


Hair & Makeup for Seniors