Price Earl ~ TVHS {Class of 2023}

Price Earl ~ TVHS {Class of 2023}

I spoke with Price’s father on the phone when scheduling his Senior Spotlight Session. If you’re not familiar with a Spotlight Session, this is a quick 30 minute session in one location to capture and celebrate your senior year. Think mini session for high school seniors. I say it’s perfect for those that don’t have a lot of time, or just aren’t super fans of the whole experience.

In our conversation he stated that they’d like the location for the session to be at their home and include a car…but not just any car, a 1970 Ford Mustang G6. I might of squealed a little, probably did a fist bump in the air or jumped, its really hard to say but totally all possible.

Did I just sound a little 1980?!

Anyways, I’m a car girl. I love them! There are people who are way more knowledgeable than I, but I know just enough after growing up around a family that also enjoys classic cars.

Turns out they have 8 old school Ford Mustangs…and we may have gotten into some conversations about body styles, year and make of them too! Needless to say, they were confident they hired the right person for Price’s Session!

Some behind the scene photos….and now on with some of my favorite final images!

Got a cool item you’d like to include in your High School Senior Session? Reach out and let’s get to planning your amazing experience!


Garneau Family Session


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