Business Brand Photographer

One of those key words I feel like I hear all the time in business conversations is Boundaries and Work Life Balance! And arguably so, without one you can’t have the other.

And in no way do I have this figured out, but I have learned a few tricks along the way to get back some valuable time and to be more productive in my business.

Are you ready for it? It seems so simple, but I heard this several years ago and had a light bulb moment myself!

Schedule all your face to face meetings on one day!

Yep, that’s it. It seems so simple when you hear it, but the thought hadn’t occurred to me.

You see, I assumed when scheduling client appointments and meetings that if I spread it out over the week I wouldn’t be working so much each day. But what I wasn’t accounting for was the 45-60 minutes I was spending daily on hair/makeup, selecting an outfit, packing my computer and getting out the door each day. The easy step of scheduling one day per week for all my appointments was such an epiphany!!

No way is this the end all be all, there are always circumstances when that day of the week doesn’t work for everything…but it sure does help.

Put it into practice, let me know if it helps!

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