Tanney Family Session


I’ve learned over the years that no session is perfect from start to finish, there are ups and downs and it’s knowing when to ramp up the excitement and when to pull it back to calm the kids back down too. I plan for lots of time in my session for us to get it just right, and for the Tanney’s we took a small snack break at the start when they noticed their youngest son was a little hangry. I’m so grateful for that extra time in the session to allow us to relax and take a moment, because what happened afterwards was pure bliss!!

This session is brought to you by the letter Z. Okay, you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about…this isn’t Sesame Street! One little trick to get those genuine smiles is to ask them to do something that will guarantee a laugh or smile from their kiddos. For the Tanney Family it was repeating 4 words: Zipper, Zebra, Zoo, Zoink! Insert ridiculous laughter!! That week the boys had been working on letter sounds as a part of their preschool learning, and this silly word combo helped them learn the Z sound and made them laugh. Mom pulled this out of her bag of tricks and it created pure magic!

It was like a switch, say those 4 words and smile, laughter and joy happened!!


Schultz Senior Photo Session


Glitter Session