Liz Todaro {Senior Session}

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Liz Todaro is a 2021 Senior at Tri-Valley High School in Downs, Illinois. She is planning to attend Illinois Wesleyan in the Fall with a focus in biology, with future plans of becoming a Dermatologist. Liz said from an early age she always knew when she grew up she wanted to be a doctor. I love that she’s continuing to follow her dream.

For Liz we did a 2 part session. On the day of her scheduled session it rained, I suggested using my home studio for an upcoming blog I was writing conveniently titled “Rain On Your Photo Session Day”. Go check out the blog to see more of the great images from her studio session that isn’t included in this spotlight. The second half of her session was on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois.

Congratulations on your accomplishments and best wishes as you finish out the school year and head off to Illinois Wesleyan University this Fall!!


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