Mom and Me Sessions

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Moms Helping Moms, that has been the motto of these session since this tradition began in 2015. I started Love the Light Photography in 2013, by the end of that year I recognized my desire to teach and share more of about the ins and outs of photography. In 2014 I decided to to a 52 week challenge of varying topics each week…one of which was Mom and Me. I don’t remember how far past those weeks I got with the challenge, but I distinctly remember a nudge inside that said you should continue these next year for free with a donation to a local pregnancy center. And a beautiful idea was born!

Here we are, 7 years later, being the hands and feet of Jesus blessing woman with these baby essentials! This year we donated to Pontiac Hope Pregnancy Center.

What was donated:

1 Storybook Bible

6 Packs of Diapers

1 Box of Diapers

11 Bottles of Shampoo/Conditioner and Body Wash

14 Packages of Baby Wipes

1 Can of Formula

4 Outfits and 1 Headband

6 Baby Bottles

1 Sippy Cup

2 Boxes of Envelopes

1 Package of Post It Notes

2 Bottle of Laundry Detergent

3 Teethers/Bump Bags

I am overjoyed with this outpouring of gifts and look forward to all the great Mom and Me Sessions next year!!

Thank you to all these lovely moms and even a few of their moms for participating in what is easily my favorite sessions of the year!!


Liz Todaro {Senior Session}


Gift Ideas for Mother's Day