Polkowski 4 Month Milestone

Gaaaaah, can you just take a moment and smile at that baby girl right there. How in the world am I getting ready to photograph her 8 month old session. I love milestone sessions, but boy do they make it feel like the time is flying by so fast!

We met up for Dylan’s 4 Month Milestone Session in the Springfield area, on the campus of Lincoln Community College. I’m convinced you can take me anywhere with tall wispy grass and the cutest little baby girl and we’re going to create some beautiful pictures. I’m also certain that Dylan never has a sad face, making my job easy!!

In addition to all her cuteness, her mom is the crafty hand behind Dilly Bum Boutique. She created a few pieces for her daughter to wear during her photo session. Be sure to check out her work!


Hartrich Senior Session


Capturing Jeff’s Senior Story: A Soccer-Themed Session in Peoria, IL