How to Have a Relaxed Session

As we head full throttle into the Fall Season it's a great time to talk about how to have a relaxed family session. Some of these tips will seem super obvious, but always great reminders!

1. Plan Ahead!

As soon as you schedule your family session I will send you out a "What to Wear, How to Prepare for your Session" email. It is chocked full of suggestions of how to dress everyone in the family. Start with mom, find an outfit you are super confident in and then pair everyone else outfits off of it. Iron everything days in advance and hang them in your closet so they are ready the day of. And don't overlook any piece of the clothing...socks, shoes, belts, jewelry, etc. This checks the biggest box of your to do list

2. Feed Everyone!

A hungry family never photographs happy. Consider the time of day of your session and either feed everyone ahead of time or at least give them a snack. I suggest having a well loved meal in the crockpot so you can get yourself ready, yet feed the crew too!

3. Don't Stress Being Late!

This is the one that I see happen the most. Please don't worry if you're late, rushing to your session puts everyone on high alert and makes it harder to get those really authentic expressions we all LOVE. Be late, I'm not going anywhere--and this is built into your session time. I'd rather you all arrive happy and late then on time and grumpy!! This is the number one reason I don't offer mini sessions, I never want anyone to fill rushed.

4. Throw Perfection Out the Window!

Yes, we all want that perfect picture of everyone looking at the camera with their best smiles. Try and not put high expectations on your children, trust the process, and know that we'll get it. And sometimes that perfect photo is the true life image of kids running a muck.

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5. Just Have Fun!

This is a time where we're going to create some lasting memories for the walls of your home. They will become the fabric of your life that you will look back on over the years. Have fun with it, embrace the stage of life your children are in. Share your ideas with me ahead of time so we can plan for the perfect locations. Let the kids be little.


Bingham {Family Session}


Polkowski {One Year Session}