What to Wear {Family}

So often I hear families agonizing over the planning process that goes into a family session. And the biggest challenge I hear from my families is how to pick outfits for everyone that isn't every kid in a matching shirt. Let's face it, with the technology that we have at our fingertips, what was once an every 5 year tradition is now a yearly staple...so here are my 5 tips to make this go smoothly. And I'm going to use the Scanlon Family Session to illustrate my points, their outfits fit perfectly with my "what to wear" email that is sent out when you schedule your session AND to show my first point, I have a sample image from their home :)

1. Start with Your Home

Your home is the perfect jumping off point with what to wear. It's a crazy thought, right. But hear me out. Where are you going to be putting these images? No need to answer the rhetorical question, so shouldn't this family portraits look like they should go in your home? For example if you decorate in grays, soft blues and pinks you don't want to wear deep purples, yellow, greens, black...you get the idea. So look around your home, what's your decorating style color. Once you have that let's move on to the next tip. 

2. Dress Mom First

I don't mean on the day of your session, I mean when you're planning your wardrobe. Start by finding an outfit that you are super confident in. If you don't love what you're wearing, you're not going to be comfortable in your pictures and it will show. Let's face it, we're the ones who really want these pictures anyways...so we should look darn good in them!


3. Shop Your Kids Closet First

You do not have to go buy new outfits for everyone. I repeat, you do not have to go buy new outfits for everyone. Once you have your outfit, let's play off of the colors in it to design the rest of your wardrobe. Go look in your kids closet and see what you have that will match. For boys I like to put them in different color pants (one in jeans, one in grey, one in khaki) or I might even put one shorts with a long sleeve top. I typically don't layer my boys outfits because that's a bit much for them. If you boys can do it, go for it. For girls, well I feel like the option are endless here. One girl can do a dress, one can do a tunic and leggings, one can wear a vest, one can wear boots--there are lots of options to make it so they aren't wearing identical outfits. And when all else fails...send me pictures and I'll give you my suggestions! And I almost forgot, dad can do jeans or dress pants with a button up shirt. And I'll layer my guy and occasionally put him in a sweater too--he doesn't complain, probably because he knows pictures make me happy!

4. Don't Forget Shoes

Once you have all those outfits picked out, make sure everyone has shoes that fit and match their look. These seems simple enough that I don't need to elaborate. 

5. Accessorize

The possibilities for this tip are endless. Jewelry doesn't have to be flashy, just enough to finish off your look. A simple necklace, earrings, consider adding a hat or jacket...or my personal favorite for little kids is a quilt that adds another punch of color. Not only does it add color but a level of fun. Think peek a boo, swinging in it or running under it--all those genuine giggles!! 

Well there you have it, you’re now set to schedule your session.  


What to Wear {Senior}


What to Wear {Couples}